Samsung India expects to garner Rs 250 crore this Diwali festive season compared to Rs 200 crore last year in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. |
Addressing mediapersons on the launch of Samsung's 'Asathal Oh Asthal' Diwali offer, V L Narayan, general manager-sales, Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd, said that festive seasons account for over 25 per cent of the company's home appliances turnover, particularly Diwali. |
Samsung India clocked a turnover of Rs 4,900 crore in 2004. Narayan said that the company earmarks about Rs 20 crore on publicity and another Rs 20 crore for gift hampers during festive seasons. |
These gift hampers will be available starting from now until November 10. He pointed out that the fast moving home appliances were colour televisions and home theatre systems. The company has about 400 dealers in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. |
Samsung also offers free service camp. Customers can approach Samsung distributors for servicing of products. A discount of 25 per cent will be provided on all spare parts from October 5 to 11. |