Market regulator Sebi has appointed S V Murlidhar Rao as its new Executive Director to fill a vacancy created by the recent exit of Usha Narayanan.
Rao was a Chief General Manager in Sebi's Markets Regulations Department till recently, but his portfolio as an Executive Director could not be immediately ascertained.
Including Rao, Sebi has seven EDs, which include P G Ngapal, J Ranganayakulu, Ananta Barua, S Ramann, S Ravindran and R K Padmanabhan.
A post of Executive Director fell vacant at Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) after the recent exit of Usha Narayanan, who was heading the regulatory authority's corporation finance department.
Narayanan left Sebi late last month, prior to which she has held various senior positions in a number of departments including those dealing with FIIs, investigations, primary markets and intermediaries.