The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) chairman M Damodaran today said the regulator was moving towards a simpler, better and long-term regulations. |
Rules should have clarity so that they could be easily understood, he said, speaking at an international seminar on corporate governance here. |
"We are making a progress toward simpler, better and long term regulations. But, once an issue is solved the regulation itself should not become an issue. |
"We need to bring in flexibility to move away from regulation, once the issue is over," the Sebi chief said. |
He said regulators have to play a facilitator's role while ensuring that rules are simple, easy-to-understand and help in orderly conduct by companies. |
Favouring continuity in policy formulation, he said regulations were necessary for ensuring orderly conduct by corporate entities. |
Investors must be able to access relevant information in time and form in which it is needed, he added. |