In its second major deal announcement on Saturday, Mukesh Ambani-promoted Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) said consumer-focused private equity firm L Catterton was making an investment of Rs 1,894.50 crore in its digital services arm Jio Platforms at an equity value of Rs 4.91 trillion and an enterprise value of Rs 5.16 trillion.
L Catterton’s investment will translate into a 0.39 per cent equity stake in Jio Platforms on a fully diluted basis.
Earlier in the day, RIL had announced the sale of 0.93 per cent equity stake in Jio Platforms to global alternative asset firm TPG on a
L Catterton’s investment will translate into a 0.39 per cent equity stake in Jio Platforms on a fully diluted basis.
Earlier in the day, RIL had announced the sale of 0.93 per cent equity stake in Jio Platforms to global alternative asset firm TPG on a