Following complaints against auto- renewal of special offers by telecom service providers, the regulator Trai today directed operators to seek consent from subscribers before renewing special tariff vouchers (STVs) for SMS and data packs.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) said consumers were seldom aware of auto-renewal of such offers.
"The Authority considered the issue and was of the view that such renewals could be beneficial for consumers if explicit consent of the consumer is taken at least once for such renewals," Trai said in a statement.
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Accordingly, Trai has issued regulatory guidelines through the Telecom Consumers Protection (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2013, which telecom operators will have to be implement by January 15, 2014.
"Renewal of STVs may be allowed for SMS and Data packs (having validity more than seven days) through opt-in facility (by taking one time explicit consent of the consumer for such renewals through a prescribed procedure)," it said.
It added operators would have to offer a toll-free short code for opting out of renewal of STVs at any time.
Trai asked operators to provide details like the due date of renewal, charges, terms and conditions and the toll free short code for deactivation through SMS three days before the expiry of the STV's validity period to the subscribers.