The Karnataka government has issued an order permitting authorities concerned to initiate prosecution proceedings in competent jurisdiction court against e-tailer Snapdeal and a Ludhina-based company for unlawfully selling drugs.
"We had issued an order, on December 21 last, permitting our assistant drug controller in Belagavi to initiate prosecution proceedings against Snapdeal, its CEO Kuar Bahl, COO Rohit Kumar Bansal for their involvement in display, sale and distribution of Suhagra 100, a schedule H drug, on their platform.
The drug cannot be sold over the counter in violation of drugs and cosmetics norms," Karnataka Drugs Controller Amaresh Tumbagi told PTI here Wednesday.
Prosecution proceedings also have been initiated against a proprietor and a staffer of Herbal Health Care company based in Ludhiana for same violations, he said.
Suhagra-100, a sex stimulant drug which falls under Schedule H category of drugs, cannot be purchased over the counter without doctor's prescription, he noted.
Meanwhile, Snapdeal, in a statement, said the company would extend required cooperation to law enforcement.
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"Snapdeal is an intermediary that connects independent, third-party sellers with buyers. Sellers are prohibited from selling any Schedule H drugs on Snapdeal.
Any reported violations are acted upon strictly, including barring future access to the marketplace for any such sellers," company spokesperson said.
"We also extend all required cooperation to law enforcement in this regard.
We haven't received any communication in this instance and hence cannot offer any specific comment," he added.