Affimity, Bengaluru-based social networking platform, has raised $1.2 million (around Rs 8 crore) in an angel round of funding from Silicon Valley investors and founders. The two-year-old start-up intends to use funds to further expand its services in country and abroad, besides strengthening its team.
Founded by Venkata Ramana, Amar J Singh and Parveen Mittal in 2014, with offices in Palo Alto and Bengaluru, Affimity acts as an alternative social media platform for users to focus on their passions and specific interests, filtering out the background noise and only displays posts that are relevant to the users' interest.
Available on Android and iOS, Affimity currently has over 35 channels on its platform. It aims to have a global user base of 10 million by the end of this calendar, with India contributing about 40 per cent to this.
"Our immediate plan is to provide better content and community experience as we reach out to more people. We are continuously adding channels as well as customising each of them to suit the requirement of that particular community," Affimity's co-founder and country manager (India), Parveen Mittal, said in a statement on Wednesday.