Handset company Spice Mobiles has today announced the launch of its new video phone, S-7000 in India. The has a 3.2' full touch screen for wide screen viewing, digital surround sound and multiple format video player.
Priced at Rs 7,499, the handset also has features like 3.2 mega pixel camera, bluetooth, expandable memory of 16 GB, and a mobile modem to provide instant access to Internet. In addition, it has applications which allow reading digital books, watch online videos. It has pre-loaded social networking applications like Facebook and Nimbuzz.
Spice Mobiles has tied-up with Disney India to provide exclusive content from their upcoming action adventure film, Prince of Persia.
"Our new video phone S-7000 has advanced multiple format video player with 3.2 inches wide screen to give spectacular view of action adventure movies like Disney’s Prince of Persia - Sands of Time. We are very excited about our tie-up with Disney and are hoping to entertain our consumers anywhere and everywhere," said Kunal Ahooja, Director and CEO, Spice Mobiles.