Star India is having yet another showdown with Siti Cable, the Zee-controlled multi-system distributor. Star has switched off its signals to two Siticable franchisees in Delhi for non-payment of dues. In a retaliatory move, the other Siti Cable franchisees in Delhi have blanked out the distribution all Star channels on their network.
The tussle between Star and Siti Cable comes a day after Sony Entertainment Network (SET) India switched off signals to the Hathway network in the capital over the issue of under-declaration.
While Sony estimates the subscriber base in Delhi to be around 9 lakh viewers, it claims that it gets paid for around just 10 percent of that.
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According to a Star spokesperson, the signals to the distributors were switched off after payments due to Star were not made despite ample time being given to make good the payments.
Said a senior Siti Cable official: