Whirlpool India’s Managing Director Sunil D’Souza will be the new MD and chief executive officer (CEO) of Tata Global Beverages, the firm said on Friday. The company said Ajit Krishna Kumar would take over as chief operating officer. D’Souza’s appointment is effective April 2020.
The announcement of D’Souza at the helm of Tata Global brings to an end a nearly six-month search for a new captain to steer the company, which is changing focus from being a beverages-only company to one that includes foods as well. Incumbent MD and CEO Ajoy Misra is retiring from the company at the
The announcement of D’Souza at the helm of Tata Global brings to an end a nearly six-month search for a new captain to steer the company, which is changing focus from being a beverages-only company to one that includes foods as well. Incumbent MD and CEO Ajoy Misra is retiring from the company at the