A white haze hangs outside the window of my third-story apartment in Delhi. It is smog, produced by all the firecrackers people burst on Diwali. The air has turned toxic.
On a friend’s suggestion, I had recently watched a TED Talk episode pointing out how three plant varieties can produce the entire supply of fresh air needed by a home or an office.
Can Nurserylive – one of India’s largest online plant nurseries that stocks more than 6,000 units of plants, seeds, and garden accessories – help me?
I turn to the website and a burst of color greets me on the home page – pictures of flowers, bulbs, and even a potted lemon plant. I head for their Top 10 section, then to the subcategory of Best Air Filtering by NASA, and it is here that I find what I’m looking for.
Turns out, like me many other Indians have also been scouting for these online. For instance, Sansevieria trifasciata Zeylanica, also known as ‘mother-in-law’s tongue’ or the ‘snake plant’, has been booked 778 times in the last 90 days. This section also has the money plant. The third variety, areca palm, is tucked away in the Top 10 Air Purifier section.
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The Pune-based startup has processed over 61,000 orders to date. It sources from numerous nurseries in a city that still has a reputation for being green and enjoys salubrious weather.
Majority of these orders are from individuals, and 12 cities constitute nearly 57% of their demand, led by Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi.