Tata Motors will raise production of its Ace light truck by 15-20 per cent by the end of March. The company currently produces 14,000-15,000 of these in a month.
Ravi Pisharody, president for commercial vehicles at Tata Motors, told reporters the company is witnessing “a little improvement” in overall commercial vehicle exports, with Bangladesh and Sri Lanka performing better than other markets. Tata Motors has introduced a new variant of the Ace in West Bengal and will be launching it in seven more states next month, he said. In addition, a ‘Super Ace’ version will be introduced next month, Pisharody said.
The company today unveiled its new ‘Tata 407 Pickup’ and the new offerings from the Ace Platform — ‘Tata Super Ace’ and ‘Tata Ace EX. The introduction of these new products are expected to increase sales of the sub-one-tonne to three-tonne segment trucks, with more payload options and greater power.
Pisharody said, “It has always been our commitment to continually refresh our product portfolio, with both new products and improvements on proven platforms, guided by our customers’ feedback.”