Tata Power on Tuesday announced the appointment of Ramesh N Subramanyam as chief financial officer (CFO). This follows the superannuation of S Ramakrishnan, executive-director (finance), on February 28.
S Padmanabhan, executive-director (operations), was holding additional charge of CFO since February.
As the CFO of the company, Subramanyam will oversee finance, accounting, treasury, tax, corporate insurance, budgeting, financial concurrence, business analysis and MIS functions. The corporate commercial function shall also report to him, a company statement said.
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Subramanyam had joined Tata Power group in 2007 and was the CFO & Company Secretary of Coastal Gujarat Power Limited (CGPL), Tata Power's wholly owned subsidiary. In October 2012, Subramanyam was appointed as Chief-F&A (Indian subsidiaries) of the Company. He is currently the financial controller of the company.