Tata Power Co Ltd on Monday announced plans to introduce pre-paid electricity for consumers in Delhi starting October. The services would be launched by Tata Power's distribution arm""North Delhi Power Co Ltd. |
"We are planning to launch a pre-paid power facility for our Delhi consumers next month," Anil Sardana, chief executive NDPL said. |
With this, Delhi would become the second city in the country to start such services. In Mumbai, pre-paid power service is already being provided by Brihanmumbai Electricity Supply and Transport Undertaking. To begin with, pre-paid power would be available under a coupon system in select areas of the Capital on a trial basis, NDPL said. The coupons would be sold through local banks besides NDPL's consumer care centres for various denominations""starting at a minimum of Rs 100. Under the scheme, new electricity meters would be made available to consumers in Rohini, Pitampura and Civil Lines localities of Delhi. |
To promote the scheme, NDPL would install around 1,250 meters""each priced at Rs 2,000 "" at its own cost, Sardana said. |
The pre-paid offer would be convenient and would also help consumers manage their budget better. |
To prevent meter tampering, the coupons sold to customers would carry a unique number, corresponding with a unique meter. |
NDPL""in which Tata Power holds 51 per cent stake""currently supplies power to north and north-western parts of the capital. |