Soon, city gas players like Indraprastha Gas Ltd and Mahanagar Gas Ltd will have to seek certification for their infrastructure. Tata Projects (Hyderabad), Tractebel Engineers and Constructors Pvt Ltd (New Delhi), Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services (Mumbai) and Bureau Veritas (India), Pvt Ltd (Mumbai) are among the 13 agencies which will perform technical audit of city gas projects.
According to the regulations laid down by downstream oil regulator Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board, all these agencies are required to obtain accreditation from the Quality Council of India, an autonomous organisation under the Planning Commission, within a six-month time frame, ending October 12. These agencies figure in the approved list of the board but if they fail to get accreditation they would be delisted.
Entities in the city gas distribution business, who have not constructed infrastructure in tune with the regulations of the board, are required to carry out detailed technical audit of such infrastructure through such agencies.