The company has collaborated with 'Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival with Star' team to pick films based on their excellence in various aspects of film making that makes it a must-watch for viewers. The service will be available on Channel 302 & 303, in both SD & HD, at no additional cost to all subscribers from October 7.
The initiative is part of Tata Sky's efforts to differentiate itself as a brand on the basis of its services. As a result, it has not only boosted its customer service division, but also introduced services in the area of English speaking, cooking, fitness, and music. These facilities are promoted under the Tata Sky Activ Services in most cases.
Through this initiative, subscribers will have access to a mix of award winning and nominated features, short films, documentaries, animations covering varied genres of comedy, drama, thriller, mystery, crime and adventure.
Prior to this initiative, Tata Sky has also launched other movie platforms such as Kids Showcase featuring movies for children from across the globe and Miniplex - showcasing Premiere Movies that have never been shown on TV before as well as critically acclaimed Premium Movies.
Paolo Agostinelli, Chief Content & Business Development Officer, Tata Sky said, "This was an earnest endeavour to not only bring exclusive and unique films for our movie-loving subscribers but was also an attempt to support the talent that is showcased in India's largest Film festival to a much larger audience. We cared enough to curate and create a mix of some popular and some hidden gems from the field of film-making for our viewers from the last few editions of the Mumbai Film Festival."
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This is the first time that a film festival will be showcased on televisions, which reached a few thousands, to now reaching over millions.
Anupama Chopra, Director, Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival with Star, said, "We were delighted when Tata Sky extended their support and suggested taking these curated films from both Indian and international to viewers living across the country. This unique and unconventional approach just goes to prove that the entertainment and media industry needs to come together for the benefit of the extraordinary passion and talent of movie makers and lovers in India."
Tata Sky will run three films on a daily basis. This exclusive handpicked list will include films in multiple languages, such as Hindi, English, Assamese, Marathi, Malayalam, Punjabi, Arabic, Russian, French, even including silent films.
Tata Sky subscribers will be able to enjoy works of renowned Indian and international directors such as Hansal Mehta, Anup Singh, Ravi Jadav, Bikas Mishra, Pan Nalin, Nitin Kakkar and Lea Hjort Mathiesen.