B Muthuraman, managing director, Tata Steel, said, the company was studying the possibility of ferro chrome capacity expansion but, could not put a figure to it.
Tata Steel, at present, produces 50,000 tonne of ferro chrome at its own plant at Bannipal, which was a sick state PSU and had now been turned around to attain full capacity utilisation.
This was over and above the 50,000 tonne produced through its conversion agreements with leading ferro chrome producers in the country.
Commenting on the prospects of the ferro chrome business in the near term, Muthuraman said, in future prices would slide.
But, that would not deter the company from embarking on expansion of capacity, being a serious player in the business.
Moreover, he pointed out that Tata Steel did not enter into businesses based on price considerations.
That the company has decided to make ferro chrome one of its main activities was evident from the company