Tata Sons Chairman N Chandrasekaran said on Wednesday that the group’s flagship company Tata Consultancy Services would not move its 1,500-employee centre out of Lucknow.
Speaking at the Uttar Pradesh Investors’ Summit, inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the presence of a galaxy of industry captains, Chandrasekaran said TCS' presence in Uttar Pradesh was, in fact, being strengthened.
He said TCS was developing a mega-development centre to accommodate 30,000 people and plans were afoot to set up another centre in Varanasi.
The TCS brass, led by CEO and MD Rajesh Gopinathan, had called upon Uttar Pradesh
Speaking at the Uttar Pradesh Investors’ Summit, inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the presence of a galaxy of industry captains, Chandrasekaran said TCS' presence in Uttar Pradesh was, in fact, being strengthened.
He said TCS was developing a mega-development centre to accommodate 30,000 people and plans were afoot to set up another centre in Varanasi.
The TCS brass, led by CEO and MD Rajesh Gopinathan, had called upon Uttar Pradesh