Ahmedabad based pharmaceutical major Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited posted a 36 per cent rise in net profit for the quarter ended December 31, 2012 to Rs 83.84 crore, while the company's total income for operations during the period grew 27 per cent to Rs 658.50 crore from Rs 518.40 crore.
As for the consolidated results, the net profit for the quarter grew by around 33 per cent to Rs 112 crore compared to Rs 84 crore in the corresponding quarter last year. The profit before taxes for the quarter under review grew by 38 per cent to Rs 143 crore compared to 104 crore in the same period last fiscal.
Revenues for the quarter stood at Rs 797.51 crore up around 15 per cent compared to Rs 694.52 crore in the comparable quarter of last year.
The company release stated that during Q3, the domestic formulation business recorded revenues of Rs 258 crore, growing up 13 per cent. International revenues grew by 17 per cent to Rs 462 crore.