This will be the Rs 4,700 crore company's fifth formulation and second API plant. The facility is being set up in a two phases wherein total investment made in the first phase of the plant was over Rs 650 crore, Torrent Pharma stated in an official statement.
Situated in Dahej SEZ, the plant is spread across a 70 acre site with a built up area of around 97,000 square meters. Phase I of the plant will see an installed capacity of about 7,500 million tablets/capsules and 25 tonnes API per annum.
According to Jinesh Shah, Executive Director at Torrent Pharma, the plant will cater mainly to the more regulated international markets such as US, Brazil, Germany etc. and is already approved or under approval by regulatory authorities of these countries.
"This plant will scale up Torrent's manufacturing capacity to meet the growing demand from the international markets," Shah stated.
While construction of Phase II will commence soon, the full commissioning of the entire two phases will raise the total capacity to about 14,000 million tablets/capsules and 80 tonnes API per annum.