The company's total income rose to Rs 491.19 crore during the quarter under review, as against Rs 390.79 crore recorded during the comparable period a year ago.
For the full-year, TTML posted a net loss of Rs 125.74 crore, compared with a net loss of Rs 310.61 crore recorded during the previous financial year. The company's total income rose to Rs 1,789.60 crore during the 12-month period, as against Rs 1,424.42 crore recorded during the same period a year ago, TTML informed the BSE.
In a release issued, TTML said it had roped in over 5 million subscribers during the quarter. The company provides CDMA services in Mumbai and Maharashtra circles.
The company's EBITDA stood at Rs 150 crore for the quarter ended March 31, 2008, as against Rs 97 crore for the quarter ended March 31, 2007. TTML recorded a cash profit of Rs 97 crore during the quarter, as against Rs 59 crore registered during the comparable period a year ago.