In the latest setback to Bajaj Auto, the Indian Patents Office has granted two new patents to TVS Motor, dismissing the pre-grant oppositions filed by Bajaj.
The patents granted to TVS are expected to improve fuel economy, spur performance and lower emissions. The patents battle between the two companies has been going on for over a decade.
Of the two patents, an application for cylinder head assembly was filed on August 24, 2007, and another on multi valve cylinder head assembly was filed on October 12, 2007.
The first application was related to a cylinder head assembly
The patents granted to TVS are expected to improve fuel economy, spur performance and lower emissions. The patents battle between the two companies has been going on for over a decade.
Of the two patents, an application for cylinder head assembly was filed on August 24, 2007, and another on multi valve cylinder head assembly was filed on October 12, 2007.
The first application was related to a cylinder head assembly