India's leading construction equipment company Universal Construction Machinery and Equipment Ltd today expanded its product portfolio in Odisha with the launch of Self Loading Concrete Mixer here. "The self-loading mixture (SLM) is developed indigenously keeping in mind the needs of Indian consumer and it is developed by in-house research and development team," said Ranjit More, vice chairman, Universal Construction Machinery and Equipment. The product is ideal for projects that require constant shifting of machines like canal lining, road projects, windmill and irrigation projects. The machine available in two and four cubic meter (CuM) capacities, can self load the aggregate, batch mix, transport and discharge the concrete at specific locations. "We are targeting to sell at least 50 SLMs in this financial year in the state," Sanjeev Nayak, managing director, Equipage Infracore Pvt Ltd, the authorized dealer of the company. The two models, 2CuM and 4CuM are priced at Rs 25 lakh and Rs 32 lakh respectively.