Valli Arunachalam (pictured), together with her mother M V Valli Murugappan and sister Vellachi Murugappan, has issued a legal notice to the Murugappa family members, Ambadi Investments (AIL), and others in relation to implementing her father’s Will.
The development comes after the family members of Murugappa Group voted overwhelmingly against the proposal to appoint 59-year-old Arunachalam to the board of AIL at the firm’s annual general meeting (AGM) on September 21. AIL is a holding company (holdco) of the $5-billion-plus (or Rs 38,100 crore) Murugappa Group.
“We have decided to seek legal remedies with respect to our ongoing
The development comes after the family members of Murugappa Group voted overwhelmingly against the proposal to appoint 59-year-old Arunachalam to the board of AIL at the firm’s annual general meeting (AGM) on September 21. AIL is a holding company (holdco) of the $5-billion-plus (or Rs 38,100 crore) Murugappa Group.
“We have decided to seek legal remedies with respect to our ongoing