Visakhapatnam Steel Plant plans to spend Rs 418 crore on developing a new iron-ore storage yard with a capacity of 600,000 tonnes. P K Bishnoi, chairman and managing director, VSP, inaugurated the structural erection work for the new yard on Wednesday.
The facility would help in storing additional iron ore to meet contingencies when they arise due to disruption of any delivery to plant, the company said in a release.
To meet their future expansion requirements, VSP and MMTC have plans to jointly lay about 430 km-long pipeline with an investment of about Rs 3,000 crore to transport the iron-ore from Bailadilla mines to Visakhaptnam. This would be transported in slurry form for greater raw material security. The proposed yard will have state-of-the-art technology for stacking, reclaiming and conveying the raw material to blast furnaces.
The work is scheduled to be completed progressively by January 2012 and the work involves about 12 lakh cubic metres (cu m) of earth work, 65,000 cu m of concrete, 9,300 tonnes of structures, 10 km of conveyors and 3.4 km of additional railway tracks.