Speaking to reporters after launching SUV The GLE in Chennai today Folger said that the company see a good potential for luxury cars in India, which is growing at faster phase compared to some of the matured markets.
He added, the company decided to expand its product portfolio so that there are more models to cater to the different market segments than with few models and remaining an aspirational brand for many.
"It doesn't mean that we are diluting the luxury brand's equity. We study a segment and see whether there is potential for our brand and accordingly offer a product," said Folger.
Folger noted that the company has reported 70 per cent growth in the SUV segment. Overall the company has reported a 39 per cent growth in the first nine months of 2015 by selling 10,079 units.The company has also increased the number of outlets to 80.
Meanwhile the company's new SUV, the GLE comes in two variants-350d (price Rs.71.14 lakh ex-showroom Chennai) and 250d (Rs 59.95 lakh ex-showroom Chennai).