Reliance Communications plunge has yet to drag down the fortune of its Chairman Anil Ambani. The 57-year-old tycoon’s net worth has inched up this year, even as shares of his wireless unit have plummeted 39 per cent, wiping Rs 3,340 crore ($519 million) from its market value. At the same time, the Reliance Group founder’s wealth has swelled by about $82 million to $2.7 billion, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index.
Gains from Reliance Group’s financial services arm Reliance Capital Ltd and Reliance Power Ltd have outstripped the erosion at a telecom unit battered by investors questioning its creditworthiness. The turbulence
Gains from Reliance Group’s financial services arm Reliance Capital Ltd and Reliance Power Ltd have outstripped the erosion at a telecom unit battered by investors questioning its creditworthiness. The turbulence