Microsoft's Xbox Live, the online gaming and entertainment network for the Xbox 360 gaming console, would be launched in India by December-end. "Xbox Live will connect an individual to friends, games and entertainment, through the Xbox 360 system," Mohit Anand, country manager of Microsoft India's entertainment and devices division said. "The network can connect an individual with more than seven million members across 25 countries." India would become the 26th market to launch the network. The service is being launched after more than a year of its global launch since there were certain developmental works that were to be put in place, he said. The network would deliver an array of content for consumers around the globe, including access to music videos, movie trailers, playable game demos, multi-player games, he said. In addition, a gamer could enjoy classic retail and arcade games such as coin-operated and retro classics, puzzles games, card and board games. The network would also offer the facility of chatting with friends directly from a television set using the Window Live Messenger. Access to the Xbox Live network could be arranged through an Xbox 360 broadband connection. More than 11.6 million Xbox 360 gaming consoles have been sold globally, Anand said. Xbox Live has crossed the seven million member milestone and is on track to reach 10 million members by end of June 2008, he added. |