Jamshedpur-based Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI) will help Chhattisgarh in drafting a management policy for better utilisation of human resources available in the state. |
The department of school education has been assigned the task to prepare the human resources management policy for the state. "The state government will take the help of renowned management institute of Jamshedpur "" Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI) "" to draft the policy," secretary with the school education department Nandkumar said. |
The State Institute of Educational Management and Training (SIEMAT) will be the nodal agency to coordinate with XLRI in drafting the policy. XLRI will complete the work in six months and will assign three experts to complete the work within stipulated time, Nandkumar added. |
XLRI will first study the present human resources policy and norms of the state government and indicate the present and future requirement of human resources in the state. |
The official said the requirement of necessary training to the officials and employees would also be included in the policy. Official sources claimed the state government has taken several measures to develop the state's human resources. The state would extend support to small scale and village industries based on agricultural, forest and mineral resources so that they could expand and to add value to produce besides generating additional employment. |
The state government was also giving emphasis on vocational and employment-oriented education. |
Sources said that the government was reviewing the relevance of the present academic system in the primary schools, exploring use of IT enabled education, contemplating free IT education for poor girls of all categories in secondary and senior secondary schools under the Indira Soochna-Shakti Yojana, and looking at enabling IT education in all secondary and senior secondary schools through private participation on user charge basis for other students. |