Zensar Technologies has posted a net profit of Rs 2.92 crore in the third quarter of the current fiscal, a decline of 8.5 per cent when compared with Rs 3.19 crore posted in the corresponding period of the previous year. |
The company's consolidated revenues in the same period was up 20.9 per cent at Rs 71.76 as against Rs 59.35 posted in the third quarter of the previous year. |
The company's profits before tax for the quarter stood at 5.58 crore, a 18 per cent growth over the third quarter of the previous year. For the nine months ended December 31, the company recorded a profit of Rs 8.12 crore, a 75 per cent growth over Rs 4.64 crore posted same period of the previous year. Its revenues for nine months stood at Rs 192.88 crore, a 14 per cent increase. |