On Twitter, the hashtag, #BoycottPK, began trending as people "hurt by some derogatory remarks" against Hindus and godmen took to the site to express their anger. Some even went as far as to accuse the film of promoting the 'love-jihad' agenda.
Insult Hinduism, Make Money. Insult Islam, Start World Wide Riots #boycottPK
— Francois Gautier (@fgautier26) December 22, 2014
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@narendramodi PK movie is making lot of fuss in the Hindu society. You have banned 'Fanaa' in Gujrat. Why not PK in India? #BoycottPK
— Rajesh Shenoy (@rshenoy87) December 22, 2014
#BoycottPK and also AmirKhan as he is trying to create doubt and confusion in the minds of majority. #SecularConversions
— ??????? ?????? (@dreamershivam) December 22, 2014
Lord Shiva is included and insulted in PK. #BoycottPK
— Suvie Ritu Chandra (@SuvalagnaC) December 21, 2014
#BoycottPK for it mock and ridicules the Hindu way of life, culture, beliefs and traditions
— VivaShastri (@VivaShastri) December 21, 2014
I think the boycott PK has worked very well for @PKTheFilm .It is the highest earned movie on Sunday.Thanks haters.#WeSupportPK
— Virushka (@dethanya123) December 22, 2014
All you people going around grunting #BoycottPK .Not going to happen. We live in the 21rst century. Be our guest,travel back to the 16th ??
— Sona Mohapatra (@sonamohapatra) December 22, 2014
#WeSupportPK because we believe in "Good Human Being" not in "Self-claimed dhongi baba's".
— Rozz Marrie (@rozzmarrie) December 22, 2014