Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Sunday said cleanliness, proper maintenance of buses, maintaining strict schedules and courteous behaviour of staff were keys to ensure modern services in the state.
"Assam State Transport Corporation (ASTC) is not only a profit-making organisation, but reflected the Assamese identity which must be upheld by ensuring that the buses operated by it adhere to these basic rules," Sonowal said while flagging off 46 air-conditioned buses for Greater Guwahati connectivity here.
ASTC is not only for profit making, but it also needs to carry the message of Swach Bharat to the remotest corner of the state through its clean and proper maintenance of the modern buses and the travellers must also cooperate in this regard, he said.
Courteous behaviour of the staff and regular maintenance of buses at every station were the key points to ensure ASTC's revival.
Unnecessary delay in reaching destinations will have to be strictly avoided so that people put their faith on ASTC and feel a sense of belonging.
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The Chief Minister said to achieve ASTC's transition from a loss making venture to profit making one, officials and staff will have to work dedicatedly and sincerely by strictly adhering to the benchmarks of discipline, punctuality and cleanliness.
He said 58 more such buses will be pressed into service in the next phase.
State Transport minister Chandramohan Patowary said on the occasion that ASTC's fortunes will be turned around through hard work, dedication, teamwork and innovation.