Urban India's pollution, Chennai floods and bumper-to-bumper traffic figured on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's message to scientists at the Indian Science Congress, where he called on them to help urban planners build cities that are sensitive to local ecology, while reducing the demand for transportation.
"We must develop better scientific tools to improve city planning with sensitivity to local ecology and heritage; and, reduce the demand for transportation, improve mobility and reduce congestion," said Modi, inaugurating the 103rd science congress at Mysuru.
"Much of our urban infrastructure is yet to be built. We must maximise the use of local material with scientific improvements; and, and make buildings more energy efficient. We have to find affordable and practical solutions for solid waste management; converting waste into building material and energy; and, recycling waste water", he said. "Urban agriculture and ecology should get more attention. And, our children must breathe cleaner city air. And, we need solutions that are comprehensive and rooted in science and innovation.
India has 13 of the top 20 polluted cities in the world. Delhi's pollution has touched alarming levels, which has forced the Delhi government to pilot an odd-even number policy for cars from January 1.
"It is not just about cities that are networked to become more efficient, safe and better in delivery of services. It is also a vision of sustainable cities that are both locomotives of our economies and havens of healthy living," said Modi at the event, which is attended by over 12,000 delegates, including Nobel Laureates and top scientists from India.
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Many urban clusters in Asia will exceed the population of mid-sized countries elsewhere in the world. More than 50% of India will be living in urban habitats by 2050. And, by 2025, India may already have more than 10% of the global urban population, he said.
The theme of this year’s Congress is “Science and Technology for Indigenous Development in India.”
The Prime Minister released the 103rd ISC Plenary Proceedings, and the Technology Vision 2035 document. He gave away the ISCA Awards for 2015-16.
"We need your inputs to make our cities more immune to the consequences of natural disasters and our homes more resilient. This will also mean making retrofit of buildings affordable," Modi said. "We have to find affordable and practical solutions for solid waste management; converting waste into building material and energy; and, recycling waste water."