The nationwide Bharat Bandh had evoked good response across Assam, with public transport remaining completely off the road and many private offices and banks remaining closed. Many business establishments in Guwahati city too kept their shutters down on Wednesday.
Except few minor incidents of stone pelting at vehicles in Lower Assam, the bandh passed of peacefully across Assam. There had also been one incident of detention of a train by bandh supporters in Rangiya, some 50 km from Guwahati. Train movement, however, soon resumed as security forces could disperse the crowd.
Many associations of public transportation of Assam had also pledged support to Wednesday’s bandh, owing to which bandh’s effect on movement of buses, auto-rickshaws and taxis was total. Since public transport was completely off the road, many private offices either registered thin attendance or remained closed.
The bandh was more total in Upper Assam, as compared to Lower Assam.