A day after a low intensity blast rocked Bengaluru killing a woman, the Centre today described it as a terror attack and said efforts were on to find out the perpetrators. “It was a terror attack,” Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju told reporters here.
Rijiju said investigators were trying to piece together the leads and efforts were on to find out the people behind the blast. “It is too early to say anything on it. investigation is on,” he said when asked who could be behind the explosion. Last night, Rijiju had said situation in Bengaluru was fully under control and government was taking all possible steps. The minister had said the central government would provide whatever help the Karnataka government seeks from it to deal with the situation.
Meanwhile, official sources said two central teams comprising investigators and explosive experts are being dispatched to visit Bengaluru from Delhi and Hyderabad and they would join the local police in the blast probe.