After Mumbai Deputy Police Commissioner Prashant Kadam said that two casualties were reported in a fire incident at a hospital located at the top floor of the Dreams mall, Bhandup, in Mumbai early Friday, the hospital has claimed no such deaths have taken place. They clarified that the corpses recovered were of persons who earlier died due to COVID-19.
However, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has not accepted the hospital's claims as of now and said they are investigating the incident.
After few hours, the hospital released an official statement saying, "There was a fire on the first floor of Dreams mall, Bhandup, and the smoke reached up to the sunrise hospital located at the top floor. All fire alarms beeped due to the smoke and hence all patients were safely evacuated to the fire refuge area. There were 2 dead bodies, due to COVID-19, which were also evacuated."
"There was no casualty due to fire. All patients were promptly shifted to Jumbo COVID-19 center and some to other private hospitals. We are grateful to the Mumbai fire brigade and to the Mumbai police for helping us save lives," added the statement.
It further added that the hospital was started in exceptional circumstances of covid last year and has helped in saving many patients' lives. It is functioning with all due compliances like fire license, nursing home license, etc.
"Two casualties have been reported in the incident. A level-3 or level-4 fire broke out on the first floor of a mall at 12:30 am. 76 COVID-19 patients were admitted to the hospital. 22 to 23 fire tenders are present at the spot," DCP Kadam had told reporters.
Speaking about the incident earlier today, Mumbai Mayor Kishori Pednekar had said, "This is the first time I have seen a hospital in a mall. This is a very serious situation. Seven patients were on ventilators. 70 patients have been taken to another hospital. There will be an investigation to ascertain the cause of the fire."Further details are awaited.
A fire had broken out at the private COVID-19 hospital in Mumbai's Bhandup area on Thursday night.
(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)