Senior Congress leader Anand Sharma on Saturday said Finance Minister Arun Jaitley should answer the nation as to why the governments were not able to sustain the "inherited" growth rate of the Congress.
"The growth rate is flat today. They have changed the methodology, let the old serious government with the new methodology come, the true picture will come out," Sharma told ANI.
Sharma made this statement after Arun Jaitley questioned the UPA's economic policies.
He said that the BJP government had inherited a very sound economy, adding that the criticism made by Jaitley is unfair and politically motivated, and facts contradict it.
"India became the first country in the world during the one decade of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) rule to quadruple the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). They have not been able to sustain that. We were able to create jobs in the manufacturing sector, what has this government achieved? No investment is taking place. Credit of take for industries is in the negative, existing industrial capacity is not being utilised, jobs are not being created, but being lost," said Sharma.
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Earlier on Saturday, Jaitley, while addressing an event titled Transforming India, in Mumbai, said India has tremendous potential even in this era of global slowdown. With his inputs on nine Pillars of the new economy, he said that the nation's infrastructure program is progressing at a rapid pace.
The nine pillars of the new economy will lay stress on agriculture to tax and financial sector reforms and will focus on rural sector, social sector, education and infrastructural reforms among others.
He also said that various programs of the present government are helping in the transformation of the country and the 'Make in India' will not only provide job, but will also generate revenue for the nation.