The Principal Special Judge for CBI, Chennai today permitted three more days to CBI to integrrogate three people including V Gowthaman, former additional private secretary of Dayanidhi Maran, the former Union Telecom and Textile Minister during the UPA regime, and brother of media tycoon Kalanidhi Maran. The other two include S Kannan and K S Ravi.
On January 21, CBI arrested these people in connection with alleged allotment of more than 300 high-speed telephone lines to the then telecom minister's residence in Chennai, which were extended to his brother's TV channel.
Besides Gowthaman, CBI arrested chief technical officer S Kannan and electrcian L S Ravi of Sun TV network, the agency said.
CBI earlier said, the three were arrested to "collect some crucial evidence" which may come up during their questioning.