The Delhi High Court on Friday dismissed Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Special Director Rakesh Asthana and DSP Devendra Kumar's plea seeking quashing of the First Information Report (FIR) against them in a bribery case. The FIR was registered against Asthana and others after a preliminary inquiry by the then CBI officials.
Here are the key developments in the Rakesh Asthana case
No relief for Asthana
The Delhi High Court today dismissed Rakesh Asthana and DSP Devendra Kumar's plea seeking quashing of the First Information Report (FIR) against them in a bribery case.
Here are the key developments in the Rakesh Asthana case
No relief for Asthana
The Delhi High Court today dismissed Rakesh Asthana and DSP Devendra Kumar's plea seeking quashing of the First Information Report (FIR) against them in a bribery case.
The investigating agency filed