Chhattisgarh chief minister launched his official website to get connected with the people at the click of a mouse. Within an hour, it recorded a good number of "hits" indicating a strong response. In one hour after the launch of on Sunday afternoon, 5,212 hits were received by the website, a state government spokesperson said here today.
Similarly, the face-book account of the chief minister that was also launched on Sunday, received 8,660 "likes" by late evening. With the launch of the website, the 20.5 million people of Chhattisgarh can directly interact with the chief minister. People can now directly post their thoughts, grievances and problems in the website.
Officials said the website was running slow due to large number of hits in the first hour itself but later gained speed. The chief minister is already connected with the people through his personal website as well as through social networking sites like facebook and twitter accounts. The chief minister said that social media and communication have become an important tool.