Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal has given the nod for setting up three state-of-the-art Institutes of Paramedical Sciences - one each at Patiala, Amritsar and Faridkot. The move was aimed at providing ample employment opportunities to the youth through medical-skills training to cater to the needs of the health sector.
Presiding over a meeting, the chief minister said it was important to tap the tremendous potential in the healthcare sector by providing medical-skill education to the youth, to cope with the emerging needs of the industry.
He said setting up these institutes was the need of the hour can provide gainful employment. Badal said these institutes, to be established at the respective government medical colleges, would act as a catalyst in boosting medical tourism across the state. Health advisor to the state government K K Talwar said the state government had identified sites for the construction of the building and hostel for these institutes.