Business Standard

Covid-19 report did not adequately analyse possibility of a lab leak: WHO

Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said even though the international team of scientists determined that a leak is the least likely hypothesis for the origin of the pandemic, it requires furt

World Health Organisation, WHO

He said he’s ready to deploy additional missions involving specialist experts as he doesn’t believe the assessment was extensive enough

Thomas Mulier and Corinne Gretler | Bloomberg
The World Health Organization’s chief said a mission to study the origins of the coronavirus in China didn’t adequately analyse the possibility of a lab leak before it concluded that the pathogen probably spread from bats to humans via another animal.

Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said even though the international team of scientists determined that a leak is the least likely hypothesis for the origin of the pandemic, it requires further investigation. He said he’s ready to deploy additional missions involving specialist experts as he doesn’t believe the assessment was extensive enough. He made the comments in a briefing to WHO

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