Continuing its trend of daily net reduction in active coronavirus cases, India reported a drop of 10,608 on Wednesday to 494,657. The count has come below the 500,000 for the first time since July 28. An addition of 44,281 to the total number of infections, meanwhile pushed India’s tally to 8,636,011.
Delhi, which has been witnessing a third wave of surge in infections, posted yet another record single-day addition of 7830 cases, taking its tally to 451,382.
Now, India’s share of the active cases worldwide has shrunk to 3.50 per cent. While 54,377 new cured cases in a
Delhi, which has been witnessing a third wave of surge in infections, posted yet another record single-day addition of 7830 cases, taking its tally to 451,382.
Now, India’s share of the active cases worldwide has shrunk to 3.50 per cent. While 54,377 new cured cases in a