Rahul Johri, who recently stepped down as executive vice-president and general manager for South Asia at Discovery Networks Asia Pacific, has joined the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) as chief executive officer. His stint starts on June 1 and he will report to Anurag Thakur, honourary secretary, BCCI. This marks a first for the BCCI, which did not have the post of a CEO till now.
Johri worked with Discovery for around 15 years before stepping down earlier this year. During his time, he oversaw the growth of the network in India to an 11-channel bouquet. For the past eight years, he has led the South Asia operations of the network. At BCCI, Johri will be responsible for the smooth functioning of operations, stakeholder management and building robust strategies for further promoting cricket.
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“We are pleased to have Rahul with us and we’re sure his vast experience and knowledge will benefit the board. His vision, guidance and support will contribute towards the successful working of the BCCI,” said BCCI President Shashank Manohar.
Thakur said, “We welcome Rahul aboard and wish him luck for his new role at BCCI. In the past one year, BCCI has undertaken various initiatives aimed towards transforming the working of BCCI in order to make the functioning more robust. This endeavour is another initiative of the board aimed in the same direction and will mark as one more milestone towards strengthening the professional working of the BCCI.”
Johri said, “I am honoured at the opportunity to serve millions of Indian cricket fans. It will be my utmost endeavour to contribute to Indian cricket. I look forward to everyone's support to fulfil this tremendous responsibility."