Delhi University students have started an indefinite hunger strike demanding the resignation of Delhi University (DU) Vice Chancellor (VC) Dinesh Singh and an immediate rollback of the Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUP).
Dhruv Sangwan, South Campus President from Indian National Students' Organization (INSO), told ANI, "The admissions are not happening because of the DU VC's dictatorship. Even the FYUP was started because of the VC's authoritarianism. We want the three year course back and Dinesh Singh's immediate resignation."
Another student, Amarjeet, told ANI that the University was simply wasting the students' time and money and even now no clear decisions have been taken. He said the students would continue their hunger strike until their demands are met.
The standoff between the University Grants Commission (UGC) and Delhi University has resulted in an inordinate delay in the admission procedure. The Delhi University yesterday proposed that all Honours courses except B.Tech should be reverted back to the three year format.