Bajaj Auto managing director Rajiv Bajaj on Tuesday made it clear he was neither joining the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) nor contesting for elections under its banner. Bajaj, who had said he was a well-wisher of Arvind Kejriwal, its chief, said: “The chance of my joining the AAP or fighting election under their banner is as much as Kejriwal making motorcycles for the market.”
Bajaj clarified he had met Kejriwal several times. He. however, said he was not a member of AAP, and neither does the company nor he individually fund AAP. No one in the party has even approached him to contest, Bajaj said. “I am ignorant about AAP as a political party and I am indifferent about politics. All I have said is I like Kejriwal and I am a well-wisher.”
Bajaj had sparked off speculation on his joining the AAP after in a television interview he had praised Kejriwal, who had given a speech in a Confederation of Indian Industry function. Media reports said he could be standing for elections from in Delhi.