On May 10, two days after Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh announced a major aggressive operation against Naxals, an IL-76 aircraft of the Indian Air Force landed in Raipur with men and machines.
Within an hour, to the surprise of security agencies, the photograph of machines being unloaded from the aircraft went viral on the social media. While scribes ran after the story, television channels were flashing “breaking news”, beaming special operation against Naxals as soon as the equipment had reached Chhattisgarh — the country’s worst Left-wing extremism affected state.
The story hogging the headlines was not just
Within an hour, to the surprise of security agencies, the photograph of machines being unloaded from the aircraft went viral on the social media. While scribes ran after the story, television channels were flashing “breaking news”, beaming special operation against Naxals as soon as the equipment had reached Chhattisgarh — the country’s worst Left-wing extremism affected state.
The story hogging the headlines was not just