A committee, probing alleged corruption in the lucrative Indian Premier League (IPL), has said in its report that BCCI boss N Srinivasan's son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan was "the face and team official" of IPL franchise Chennai Super Kings (CSK) and "the allegations of betting and passing information" against him "stand proved".
In a 200-page document submitted to the Supreme Court Monday, the Justice Mukul Mudgal-led committee said the allegations of fixing against Meiyappan as well as Rajasthan Royals co-owner Raj Kundra need to be further investigated.
The apex court bench, headed by Justice A K Patnaik, upon receiving the report, said they will pass the appropriate order after going through it.
"The committee is of the view that the material on record clearly indicates that Meiyapnan was the face of CSK and the team official of CSK," said the report.
The report, based on the information provided by the Delhi and Mumbai police and comprising FIR and chargesheet filed by Mumbai police and transcripts of telephonic conversations, claims that "Meiyappan was indulging in betting through Vindu Dara Singh who was in direct touch with the bookies and punters like Vikram Aggarwal".
"Bets placed by Meiyappan inter alia were not only in favour of CSK but also against it. Meiyappan also bet on teams in matches of teams other than CSK," the report said.