Senior Jammu and Kashmir police officer Davinder Singh was suspended on Monday, even as it emerged that he had sheltered three terrorists, arrested along with him, at his residence here right next to the Army’s XV corps headquarters at Badami Bagh cantonment, officials said.
Singh, who was decorated with the President Police Medal about four months ago, continued to be grilled by a team of police and intelligence investigators. His office at Srinagar airport, where he was posted as deputy superintendent of police in the anti-hijacking squad, was sealed, they said. Piecing together the chain of events, the officials
Singh, who was decorated with the President Police Medal about four months ago, continued to be grilled by a team of police and intelligence investigators. His office at Srinagar airport, where he was posted as deputy superintendent of police in the anti-hijacking squad, was sealed, they said. Piecing together the chain of events, the officials