Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, who has been admitted for health issues, has been advised to stay a few days in the hospital for recuperative treatment, said the hospital management.
In a press release issued today, Subbiah Viswanathan, chief operating officer, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai said that the Chief Minister, who was admitted in the hospital for fever has responded well to the treatment and necessary evaluation tests are being carried out.
"The honorouble Chief Minister has been advised a few days stay in the hospital for recuperative treatment," said the official.
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The hospital has earlier also issued a similar statement, refuting rumours about her health condition, in social media.
Jayalalithaa was admitted in the Apollo Hospital, Chennai, in the late hours of September 22. She had fever and dehydration at the tiime of admission. Treatment was commenced immediately and her fever was brought under control on the next day, and she resumed regular diet. She has been under observation till then, informed the hospital earlier.